Saturday, January 23, 2021

ephemeral snow art


Snow                                                            Clinging On To                                                            The Branches                                                            Of A Tree,                                                            Finland


The Ice Neatly Folded Itself

The Ice                                                            Neatly Folded                                                            Itself


Fresh Snow Over Christmas Lights

Fresh                                                            Snow Over                                                            Christmas                                                            Lights


Art Only Nature Can Create. My Fence This Morning After A Snowy Night On Terschelling, The Netherlands

Art Only                                                            Nature Can                                                            Create. My                                                            Fence This                                                            Morning After                                                            A Snowy Night                                                            On                                                            Terschelling,                                                            The                                                            Netherlands


This Pattern In The Snow On A Patio Table

This                                                            Pattern In The                                                            Snow On A                                                            Patio Table


When Constant Winds And Ice Meet A Fence

When                                                            Constant Winds                                                            And Ice Meet A                                                            Fence


How My Cat Feels About Snow

How My                                                            Cat Feels                                                            About Snow


The Snow Was Very Geometric When I Went Skiing

The Snow                                                            Was Very                                                            Geometric When                                                            I Went Skiing


When They Ask If There's Much Wind Where We Live

When They                                                            Ask If There's                                                            Much Wind                                                            Where We Live


Yep That's Snow

Yep                                                            That's Snow


The Way The Snow Is Resting On This Handmade Stone Arch

The Way                                                            The Snow Is                                                            Resting On                                                            This Handmade                                                            Stone Arch

Apple Orchard After A Snowfall

Apple                                                            Orchard After                                                            A Snowfall

Snow Striped Forest

Snow                                                            Striped                                                            Forest

This Stop Sign After A Week Of No Sun

This Stop                                                            Sign After A                                                            Week Of No                                                            Sun

The Snow Has Settled Only On The Outline Of The Bricks On My Friends Driveway

The Snow                                                            Has Settled                                                            Only On The                                                            Outline Of The                                                            Bricks On My                                                            Friends                                                            Driveway

This Crazy Ice Wave Formation From Snow Slowly Melting Off The Tin Roof Of My Patio

This                                                            Crazy Ice Wave                                                            Formation From                                                            Snow Slowly                                                            Melting Off                                                            The Tin Roof                                                            Of My Patio

The Snow Melted And Slid Down The Wire In A Spiral Form

The Snow                                                            Melted And                                                            Slid Down The                                                            Wire In A                                                            Spiral Form


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